This project started from being a big "Miami Vice" fan. I wrote a script in 1989 having just moved to California after college. When working and taking reservations at Morton's Restaurant, I was able to do a favor for Leslie Moonves in getting him a table at a specific time for dinner. The secretary who called me asked if she could do me a favor in return and I said I had a "Miami Vice" spoof script and she said "perfect". I'll get it into our readers for coverage. Needless to say, I got the coverage back and the script was bleeding from the ripping they gave it. Thus, it sat for six years until I did some part-time work at a company in Santa Monica and one of the co-workers needed a comedy to produce. I gave it to her and she loved it. We only got one scene shot because she wasn't true to her word and couldn't see any project through to the end. It was a shame, would've been a fun project to finish.